The Benefits of Blogging for Your Business: Part 1

Blogging is important for your business. It’s perhaps not the most important thing you can do to generate sales, but there are some significant benefits of blogging that can be had which should lead to these sales, such as increasing your online visibility and giving character to your business.

Your business blog is/would be a part of your marketing strategy, as ideally, you should be blogging about content relevant to your business. As you may have noticed, we’ve had our ‘News’ section of our website for years, where we upload articles about current consumer and marketing trends, as well as lots of great stuff on promotional merchandise.

That last bit shouldn’t be too much of a surprise! We want to outline a few key reasons why we believe that blogging is a healthy thing to do for your business, and why it should be added into your marketing plan straight away if it isn’t already!

Put simply: blogs generate traffic.

In order to make money, you need to make a sale. In order to make a sale, people have to see your products. In order for people to see your products, they must see your website. Do you see where we’re going with this one? Blogs lead to more website visits; if you’ve got a website with not very many pages and you’re not updating it very frequently (you can’t really update your ‘About Us’ page very much) then your website won’t be climbing up the ladder of Google’s algorithm.

Every time you add a new page to your website through a blog post, it drives up the opportunity for your page to appear in search engines. This increased visibility will drive traffic to your website. If you create shareable content, then social media will work in your favour as people will share this content with their friends, which will hopefully bring in new business.

In order to capitalise on your new traffic, add a call-to-action to your blog posts, such as offering a free trial, fact sheet, ebook etc. in exchange for a potential customer’s contact information. The visitor to your blog simply has to fill in a form online with their contact details in exchange for the offer, which should then turn into a lead.

Want to find out more? Read part two of our Benefits Of Blogging For Your Business guide.

Written by

Adam Carter | Head of Products

Adam has been leading the Product team for over 18 years, during which time he's built up an enviable reputation as one of the industry's most trusted authorities on promotional merchandise. As well as supplier relations, product sourcing and pricing, Adam is also responsible for ensuring our promotional merchandise is presented on the website in the most effective manner. His expertise makes him the go-to person on the team for spotting merchandise trends and he's highly experienced in identifying the best branded products to meet our customers' needs. When he's not working, Adam enjoys travel, electronic music and all forms of cinema.

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