4 Biggest Social Media Trends of 2017 - Part 2

Last week we discussed how Facebook is going mobile and the huge market that social media has; today we’re looking at two more of the biggest trends we spotted in 2017. Why are last year’s trends important? They matter because these are the trends this year are building on to take the digital marketing and social media world by storm. From spotting these trends now, you can get your brand to jump on board or become more knowledgeable about them so that you can utilise these trends in your future marketing efforts. Let’s jump straight into the final 2 trends of 2017…

Internet vs. Social Media

When you say that someone uses the internet, you would immediately assume that this comes hand in hand with someone who uses social media of some form. It’s true that now there is little difference between your standard ‘internet user’ and someone who is a ‘social media user’. A staggering 70% of adults who use the internet use social media, so you can assume that your online content on social platforms will reach your online market in some way. It’s rare to spot a millennial without a Facebook or Instagram account, and if you go even further forward to iGeneration or Generation Z, it’s almost impossible to find a teen or young adult who isn’t active on at least one social platform. The aim of your business should be to focus on targeting these online social media users to boost your sales in the digital world.

Video Rules

As we mentioned in an article recently, videos are the king of content. They are the most powerful storytelling medium around, and you can use it for product posts, campaigns, or you can even live-stream your brand to strengthen your trust and relationship with customers. As you will have noticed, Facebook has essentially become a video-first platform; a Facebook executive said that the app is likely to be “all video” when we reach 2021. Then there is Snapchat, Instagram Live, and Instagram stories, and even Twitter, known for its copy, has given users the ability to go ‘live’ through the live streaming platform ‘Periscope’. Of course, this does not mean you should stop using text, but perhaps the focus could be on it going hand in hand with video, or to just pick up the camera and work on some video skills in 2018.

What do you think the biggest trends in 2018 will be? 

Written by

Adam Carter | Head of Products

Adam has been leading the Product team for over 18 years, during which time he's built up an enviable reputation as one of the industry's most trusted authorities on promotional merchandise. As well as supplier relations, product sourcing and pricing, Adam is also responsible for ensuring our promotional merchandise is presented on the website in the most effective manner. His expertise makes him the go-to person on the team for spotting merchandise trends and he's highly experienced in identifying the best branded products to meet our customers' needs. When he's not working, Adam enjoys travel, electronic music and all forms of cinema.

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