Why you should use Corporate Gifts

Choosing an effective way to reward customers can be difficult, with corporate gifts you are inviting them to choose their own time to be promoted to.

Traditional methods of advertising are often intrusive and unwanted. For example, when you are watching a television drama you don't want it to be interrupted by a television advertisement. Whilst television advertising is a everyday part of life which isn't going to disappear, it is not very effective. Whilst some television adverts may be interesting and creative, no one wants their television programmes interrupted. The same applies to radio advertisement, people listen to the radio for music so to have the music interrupted for a advert is extremely unwanted.

Not only are traditional advertising methods considered annoying by many, they are also not every effective. A recent survey showed that 70% of people can not remember an advertising campaign they were exposed to just one year ago. In comparison they were able to recall every single piece of promotional merchandise they received in that time.

The difference with corporate gifts is that they are not disruptive. If a person doesn't want a corporate gift they can simply decline it, if they do want it they can keep it. The choice is the recipients. There is no intrusiveness about corporate gifts. It is also very unlikely that anyone would actually decline a corporate gift as it is a physical gift, and truthfully when have you ever declined a gift?

Anything can be a corporate gift. Whether it costs ten pence or fifteen pounds, it will always be appreciated by the recipient. This is even more true when the item is something useful like a pen or conference folder. What counts is not the product, but the method in which is it distributed and the end result.

Corporate gifts are extremely effective forms of promotion. They offer repeated exposure of your organisations name, even when the user doesn't realise. For example, a promotional bag may be used to carry shopping for a year. In this time your brand will be exposed to every person who sees that bag over the course of the year.

A useful gift such as a bag are considered to go that one step further as a promotional gift. Results show that people who receive a useful gift from a company are more likely to look upon that business favourably.

The fact is corporate gifts are THE most effective form of advertising you can invest in.

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