It can be difficult and scary to think up big marketing campaigns with little to no budget. However, even as a smaller business there are ways to market your brand for free so you can generate some great results for your business without spending a penny. We’ve put together a few ways you can market your business with zero marketing budget – you’re welcome!
Send Out Products
If you’re looking to increase brand awareness or sales then sending out your products to be reviewed by bloggers or influencers can be a great way to start. For example, if you have a beauty brand, consider sending out some of your products to big Youtubers who review products for a living! Be warned, however, that even though they received the products for free they may say how they really feel if they don’t like them.
Give a Professional Talk
You could look for local seminars and talks who are looking for speakers to discuss their business and industry. Share your expertise with a real audience and you could find that this has a positive influence on your business as naturally you will discuss it one way or another.
Send an e-flyer
You may see that we send a weekly newsletter with products and offers. No matter what your business, you can set up a regular newsletter to grow the number of people who subscribe to your content. Make sure that you send out regular, interesting and relevant content to your subscribers to keep them subscribed, including welcome emails and personalised, targeted emails.
Run a Social Media Contest
You may have noticed that we run competitions on our social media platforms from time to time. Whilst it would cost you to buy a prize, if you send out products that you already have, this will increase brand awareness without costing you a penny. For instance, in the past we have done flash giveaways to win a bundle of Total Merchandise branded goodies such as frisbees and stress balls. In this way, the winner could see the quality of our printing and merchandise as well as receive a great, fun prize.
Answer Stranger’s Questions
If you head to any of the social media giants, people will likely be asking questions relevant to your industry. Help them to answer these and hopefully they’ll check out your business. It’s a bit of an ‘I scratch your back and you scratch mine’ situation!
Later this week we’ll be discussing a few more ways you can market your brand for free!