Ways to Exhibit at a Trade Show: Part 2

Almost any brand can succeed at a trade show, you just need to be following a few success tips to ensure that your time is not wasted. Earlier this week we discussed the importance of choosing your events wisely and how creativity is key when it comes to showcasing your brand at a trade show. Today, we want to share with you a few more of our top tips on how to best exhibit at a trade show.


Consider promotional giveaways

A few brands have tried this and all of them have been successful. The basic idea is a game where you give out a few pieces of promotional items, such as badges, or wristbands, or t-shirts with your logo on it. Then, at the end of the show, those who are wearing your promotional items are in with the chance of winning a grand prize at the end of the trade show. It means that loads of people should flock to your stall to wear your merchandise, and conversations will begin to buzz about your brand and booth.


Collect data and discounts

Quite a few companies at trade shows will offer discounts to those who buy their items or future services there and then at the trade show. To do this, you can collect their email addresses and other basic details and offer a discount if they, for instance, sign up to your e-newsletter. This data should be useful in building your client network.


Be social

As well as being presentable and friendly at the trade show itself, don’t forget to get social online! Send out e-newsletters to your customers a few weeks in advance to let them know that you’ll be exhibiting at a trade show. You could also get involved with Instagram stories where you can feature what you’re getting up to at the show in real time, ensuring that your audience feel included. If you are doing a presentation at the trade show, you could even consider going ‘live’ on Facebook or Instagram, an idea we discussed in a recent article.


Measure your success

One of the best ways of seeing if your time at the trade show was successful and worth your time is to measure your return on investment. Find a way you feel best to measure your marketing techniques, and see if you are receiving a return on your investment. If so, it seems to be a good bet to get involved in trade shows in the future. If not, think about where you may have gone wrong and how this can be improved in the future.


Will you be taking your brand to a trade show any time soon? 

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