Promotional gifts are very popular these days, as they give a sense of personal and human touch between the business and the recipients of the gift. This can result in a trusting bond being created by the company and the potential client, enabling the client to trust buying into the company’s services or products. This bond comes with many benefits, especially during times of market difficulties when sale are low.
If you or your company want to go that extra mile, there is still more a company can do with their promotional gifts to improve their value to the clients; distributing personalised giveaways to customers. Personalised giveaways are essentially the same materials or products as promotional gifts; apart from in their production and design the needs of the customer are considered (i.e. it could help with the needs of the customer in their work environment or at home).
Personalised giveaways can be given to people by a company throughout different promotional campaigns. The most popular personalised giveaways are pens, lanyards, key rings, T-Shirts and stress balls.
Personalised giveaways differentiate from promotional gifts in the sense that personalised giveaways are given out with the clientele in mind. Whereas promotional giveaways can be completely random, (a way of encouraging new customers to the company) with the production of these promotional items not necessarily thinking about the customer’s needs or wants.
For example, when companies give away promotional clothing, the type of clothing they hand out must be of such nature that it will conform to the working environment that the recipient works in to be a personalised giveaway. In a cold environment such as frozen food factory, fleeces and warm jumpers are preferred over T-Shirts and shorts.
When distributing personalised giveaways, companies must also ensure they are in the right place at the right time, to get effective promotion. So heading out to promotional events, festivals or sporting events where you know flocks of your target market will gathered be would be a good time to hand out personalised giveaways.
The more people a company can advertise to, through personalised giveaways, the more visible to the public the company becomes. This in turn could make the company easily recognisable, and the easier the recollection is for someone, the more advantage a business will have from them.
You don’t need to spend millions on personalised giveaways; here at Total Merchandise we have a wide range of promotional items that would make fantastic personalised giveaways to many target markets across the UK.