Trade Fairs Mean Lots of Printed Giveaways

Trade fairs are very important to organisations as they are a great way to gain business, you can make sure your business gets remembered with printed giveaways.

Having a stall at a trade show can be vital to gaining future business, 87% of marketers state that face to face marketing is vital to their companies success. However most trade shows host hundreds of stalls so ensuring your business leaves a lasting impression can be difficult.

When at a trade fair you only have three to five seconds to make an impression before they will move on to the next stall. Trade fairs are a great networking opportunity, 80% of visitors to events have their own stalls and businesses, so any contacts you can make at a trade fair will be useful in the future.

BPMA survey results show that 73% of marketers purchase printed giveaways purely for trade fairs and promotional events. When choosing which products to use at trade fairs, you need to think logically. Statistics show that many other companies will be giving away promotional items, so yours not only needs to stand out, but also be small enough to carry along with other promotional products.

If you think this way, then a promotional bag may be the most useful printed giveaway. A bag would be considered useful as it can carry all the other promotional items collected, over 75% of people keep a product because it was considered useful. A promotional bag would also give your brand maximum exposure as it would be carried around the trade fair all day. This means people will not only see it, but also want one to carry their stuff in as well.

The type of bag you choose can vary depending on the image you want to create and how long you want it to last. A printed carrier bag is cost effective but would only last the day, whereas a reusable bag could be used for a lot longer. If you're unsure about giving away products at the fair you could instead give them away before hand. A massive 83% of successful companies at trade fairs are those who have sent out flyers or promotional items prior to the fair. This is because you are advertising the fact you will be at the fair, so people are more likely to go to see you. Trade fairs happen throughout the year and as other marketers have found, printed giveaways are an extremely important tool which is needed to create a lasting impression.

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