The TM Guide to Twitter: Part 2

Earlier this week we discussed how and why having a Twitter account can be beneficial for your business. From this, we’ve put together 20 top tips for how to go about your Tweets, from private DM’s, to open Tweets, to hashtags. After all, there is such thing as 'Twitter etiquette' and in order to reap the rewards that Tweeting can offer, you should follow a few of these tips! With over 500 million Tweets being sent each day, it’s important that you are able to utilise Twitter to open up opportunities for your business to reach a global audience of new and existing customers.

1) Make the most of your Twitter bio - Show off what your business does and how you can help others. Bonus points if you can make it witty.
2) To increase clicks, structure your Tweets like this: MAIN MESSAGE – #HASHTAG – AFTERTHOUGHT.
3) Try not to self-promote all of the time – Shake things up by having conversations with your audience.
4) Have a good image for your profile – It needs to be professional and high-quality.
5) Link your website – Make sure people can access your site quickly – not only does this lead to increased website traffic but it proves that you are a trusted, verified company.
6) Be polite – This goes without saying! Ultimately you need to stay professional and polite, and one great way to do this is to acknowledge those who mention you or ‘retweet’ your posts.
7) Share valuable content – As well as self-promoting, it’s always a good idea to post information that you think your followers will find interesting, such as links to blogs and videos.
8) Utilise – Your characters are limited on Twitter, so don’t waste them by posting the full link! Websites such as help to shorten your links into manageable sizes.
9) Keep people in the loop – Tell your followers what you’re up to, what the latest news is with your company, introduce new employees etc. Find a voice that fits your company and share whatever you’re comfortable with!
10) Consistency is key – You don’t want to be Tweeting only once per month unless you are trying to lose followers! You don’t have to Tweet every day (although it helps!), but make your presence known by checking what people are messaging you and always reply promptly.
11) Share images – This one is so simple. Images = increased engagement. Enough said.
12) Show appreciation for your followers – You can do this by using the ‘favourite’ button or even retweeting them if they are sharing relevant, interesting content.
13) Create conversation – You can make things a two-way conversation on Twitter so easily by Tweeting questions to encourage your followers to interact with you.
14) Use the power of hashtags – One of our recent articles discussed the power of hashtags – use them to join relevant conversations and to make your Tweets easy to find.
15) Make sure your account is public – You can’t expect people to interact with you if they can’t see your profile.
16) #Don’t #Overuse #Hashtags – This one speaks for itself. Limit yourself to 3 hashtags per Tweet... #max.
17) Tweet at the right time – Research has shown that B2B companies see better engagement Monday-Friday, and B2C companies report 17% more engagement over the weekends.
18) Use DM's for longer chats – Try to discourage long personal chats in your feed because it clogs up everyone's Twitter stream! Instead, message the person in a private DM (direct message).
19) Don’t sell – Not many people want to follow an account which posts high-pressure sales messages all day every day. Promote your services occasionally, but do not make selling the main event.
20) Enjoy it – Twitter is there for you to be able to show a personal, creative side to your brand and to really engage with your followers*.

In 140 characters or less...

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Our editorial team is drawn from a pool of experienced promotional merchandise product team members, account managers, marketers and other contributors. With such a wide range of skills and experience, they write about many aspects of promotional merchandise, wider marketing and business matters, as well as company news updates.

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