Promotional Bags Can Be Used for Every Eventuality

Promotional bags can come in many different disguises, whether it be a carrier bag, a sports bag holdall or even a tote bag to carry your shopping in. Promotional bags offer a great way to expose your company name and branding to a mass audience.

The purpose of a bag is to carry things in, so it means you are likely to be using it in public. They are a great way of turning your customers into a walking advertisement for your business. This is because of the amount of time bags are used on a daily basis. Depending on the bag you choose, bags are used every day by people across the world. They are very versatile and can be used to carry almost everything. As well as the large branding opportunity available, they can also mean your business is keeping up with environmental changes.

It was announced in July last year that plastic bag usage was up by 5.4% on the previous year. As many organisations are trying to prevent plastic bag usage, this is a surprising figure for many. It is believed that the new data released shows that customers are either ignoring the supermarkets' efforts to reduce bag usage, or retailers themselves are ignoring the Governments efforts. Either way, an increase for a second year running is a worrying trend for the environment.

The use of plastic bags dropped in 2006, after an extensive campaign by the Government to prevent the public from using plastic bags. The main issue identified with using too many plastic bags is where they end up after use. Once a plastic bag has been used once, it will generally be thrown away. This means it will either end up in a landfill site, where it will take up to 1,000 years to biodegrade, or, in the ocean which means it will affect marine life such as fish and dolphins.

In comparison to the rest of the UK, many supermarkets in Wales are reporting a drop of 96% in the last year. This is because, in Wales, it has been made legislation that plastic bags can't be given away for free. As many of us know, it is highly unlikely that someone will throw away something they have paid money for.

There have been discussions about charging for plastic bags across the rest of the UK, however, these plans haven't been set in stone. If you were to distribute promotional bags branded with your business, then you would be doing your bit for the environment, as well as promoting your business.

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