Printed USB's could make the difference

When invented, who knew the USB or Universal Serial Bus could make such a difference to technology? Whilst we use branded USB sticks on a regular basis to store information, it's difficult to imagine that this wasn't the reason USB's were invented!

The Invention Of The USB And Its Many Uses

Prior to the invention of the USB, there were lots of different cables used by computer technicians within the back of a computer. For example, there were many different ports available including the serial port, parallel port, and many others! These often differed between computers as well-meaning if there was a problem with a mouse, it wasn't possible to transfer between machines easily. 

The USB was designed so there was one common plug that allowed peripherals to be connected. This made life much easier for technicians, and not only that, the plug was faster, more cost-effective and a simple 'plug and play' hardware. 

The USB was developed by a group of experts around 1995. It is unclear who originally created the USB as it has changed so much over the years, however, a number of companies joined together to launch the USB we know today, forming the USB Implementers Forum. This was a not for profit organisation used to publish specifications and provide support to those who needed it when adopting the technology. 

There have been a number of USB's released since 1995, each offering an upgrade on the previous version. It's important to note that whilst USB's were first use to standardise leads going into computers, they quickly became storage devices as well, replacing the old floppy disc. The USB was more robust and offered more storage for customers, making it much more useful. 

Using USB Sticks As A Marketing Tool

Promotional merchandise companies have increasingly sold more printed USBs over the years. They are available with different storage spaces, different colours and even in different shapes. This means you can create a printed USB to match your companies colours, ethics, and even the industry! Printed USB's are a very popular form of promotional merchandise as they have a high perceived value but in actual fact, are surprisingly low in cost. 

Here at Total Merchandise, there are lots of branded USB sticks you could invest in, you can even create your own bespoke USB stick meaning it can be any shape you like so it can be completely unique to your organisation. You need to make sure that your promotional USB is suited for your target audience to ensure they are as effective as they can be.

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