If you're tired of not being able to get a Doctors appointment, then medical merchandise could be just the thing your looking for! The GP Patient Survey showed that a fifth of people struggled to make an appointment with their GP over the phone. It also showed that one in five people were unable to make an appointment 'fairly quickly' due to lack of appointments. NHS Direct state this could be due to a number of factors with the most likely being that appointments are filled by those who do not necessarily need them.
There are some symptoms which can be diagnosed by pharmacists whilst cold symptoms can be treated with medicines which do not need to be prescribed by a doctor. Of course, we are not suggesting that you should self diagnose yourself but medical merchandise could help you when deciding if you do indeed need to visit a Doctor, saving yourself a lot of time and effort trying to get an appointment.
There are a variety of useful medical supplies available on this website which can be used in office or at home. Hand sanitisers have become more popular over the last few years after outbreaks of swine flu and MRSA, meaning not only are hand sanitisers used at hospitals and Doctors surgeries, but also used daily being kept in handbags and office across the country. Hand sanitisers are also used to prevent cold germs from spreading, which can mean less people off sick in your office!
We also stock a cold and flu pack which includes a forehead thermometer and a card detailing the different symptoms of colds and flu. This can be vital in deciding whether to go to a doctor as one of the main symptoms of flu is a high temperature. Flu is a very common season illness and although exact figures are unknown, millions of people in the UK contract the illness every year. Of this, around 600 people die on average from flu complications each year, making hand sanitisers and thermometers life saving equipment.
Another item of merchandise which could save lives is a first aid kit. Every office is required to have a first aid kit by law however what needs to be in the first aid kit is not detailed. Why not show your workers that you really care by providing them all with an individual first aid kit? Or send one to each of your clients to place within their office?
As you can see there are many different medical items you can be purchase to save lives and save waiting times at doctors surgeries. The most important thing to remember is that our medical merchandise can not only be used by trained professionals but also in your everyday lives..
For more information please see:
http://conversation.which.co.uk/consumer-rights/is-it-too-hard-to-get-an-appointment-with-your-gp/ http://www.nhs.uk/choiceintheNHS/Yourchoices/GPchoice/Pages/GPappointments.aspx