Great Service but Bad Breath: Branded Giveaways That Save Your Dignity

There are a number of branded giveaways available for companies and clients all over the world, some more useful than others!

Promotional mints, for instance, are very useful for those who are paranoid about 'bad breath'! There is nothing worse than talking to someone with bad breath (especially at a promotional event)... however there are many ways to prevent bad breath, so don't panic!

What actually causes bad breath? Bad breath is usually caused by odour-producing bacteria that grow in the mouth... or that coffee you had on your lunch break. The bacteria in your mouth have sulphur compounds, which when released, cause your breath to smell. Brushing your teeth regularly stops bacteria from accumulating on the bits of food left in your mouth and so reduces the risk of bad breath. As mentioned coffee can also give you bad breath, but so can certain foods that contain garlic, onions, and pungent oils.

Smoking is also a major cause of bad breath.

How to prevent bad breath? Some of the things people have tried to take care of bad breath are; using mouthwash, brushing their teeth, chewing gum and sucking on mints. Mouthwash, chewing gum and mints will only get rid of bad breath temporarily... so you need to brush your teeth (and tongue) two times a day, for at least two minutes to get rid of the bad breath. It's important you brush your tongue as well because bacteria accumulates on there too (not nice but true).

Test to see if you have bad breath Breathing into your hand, will not let you know if you have bad breath or not!... How many times have you seen someone breath into their hand to check if they have bad breath or not... this is not useful at all because when you breathe, you don't use your throat the same way you do when you talk.

When you talk you tend to bring out odours from the back of your mouth, which is where the 'bad breath' comes from. It's also hard to tell if we have bad breath ourselves as we tend to get used to our own smells... So if someone tells you, you have bad breath believe them!

To conclude, if you often suffer from bad breath, try brushing your teeth more often and for longer, or try picking up some branded giveaways like promotional chewing gum or mints.

However, if you want to be really smart, there is another name for bad breath...halitosis, so if you don't want to admit you have bad breath, you can just say you have a minor case of halitosis.

Total Merchandise has a range of promotional mints available - browse today and contact our Sales team for your bespoke quote!

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