Use Printed Giveaways to Keep Your Customers Hydrated

Even in the Winter, it's important to keep your body hydrated, dehydration can be very harmful so why not invest in water bottles as printed giveaways for 2013?

Everyone knows it's important to keep hydrated in the Summer time, but many people forget over the Winter period how important it is. The fact is, if you actually feel thirsty then it is often too late and your body is already dehydrated. So, how can you ensure your body doesn't get to that state? The simple answer is by drinking lots of water.

Even as a small child, your parents would have told you that you need to drink lots of water. However, it's very likely that you would never have been explained the benefits. Experts believe that we need to drink 1.2 litres of water a day to ensure we aren't dehydrated. This is increased further in hotter weather, or homes which has the heating on! The body loses 2.5 litres of water every day, but the food eaten daily provides 1 litre of water. As well as this, our body recovers 0.3 litres of water. This means we only need to drink 1.2 litres to recoup back what was lost.

The human body is made from 70% of water, our organs also include a lot of water. For example, the brain itself contains 74% water. As there is such a high percentage of water in the body, it is vital that every body organ is fully hydrated. Without new water in the body every day, the body can become very dehydrated which can lead to many problems.

Keeping hydrated also has further health benefits. It has been proven that keeping hydrated can lead to better productivity at work. As the brain is made up of so much water, keeping it hydrated can mean increased concentration and alertness. As well as this, it can reduce fatigue. Fatigue is often a common symptom of dehydration, so ensuring that you have enough water in your system may help to prevent this.

As there are so many benefits to drinking water, you should encourage your employees to drink as much water as possible. This can be done with personalised water bottles, or even personalised mugs. This can show that you encourage health and well being within your company, as well as lead to increased motivation and productivity.

There are many different styles of mugs and water bottles on the Total Merchandise website which can customised with your company branding. If you are looking for printed giveaways, then have a look on our website.

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