Start of Term Office Essentials

The schools have only just broken up and most children can only think about the five or six weeks of holiday they have stretching before them. However, already the shops are advertising everything to do with going back to school, from school uniforms to stationery sets.

We all remember as kids, the only thing that all children seem to enjoy about going back to school after the summer holidays is replenishing their stationery, ready for a new term. So maybe now is the time for you to think about replenishing your office essentials? You will then be ready to send these to your target audience in September to remind them that following the lazy hazy days of summer and all the excitement in the sporting world, your company is firmly back in business.

At Total Merchandise, we have a wide range of office essentials that can be fully personalised with your company details on, that your customers will find both really useful but will also keep your company name firmly in their mind. Why not send them some new erasers or message pads, or maybe some new staplers or mugs for their rest/staff room or kitchen area?

The start of the new school year is the time of year that everyone feels there is nothing to look forward to until the Christmas period, so make your customers day by sending them something to help them remember your company.

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