How often will we go to the doctors, hospital or a health care unit? We usual go when we feel ill, and need to be checked over. But working in a hospital can be hard work so having useful medical merchandise to keep staff happy and calm are essential.
On average it is said we in the UK go to the doctors once every six months when we get ill or for a general check up, more and more people are worried about illnesses today due to the large known illness that are being found. In the years to come this trip to the doctors may become more often. A hospital is a health care unit and there are many more different health care units around today, according to your illness you will be sent to a certain one for a different care.
Hospitals and health care units in the UK are usually funded by public sector, this will come hand in hand with the National Health Insurance and that's were we come in, we pay our taxes which the majority of the money will go towards our services and fund our health care units all over the country.
However there are many different types of hospitals around the country, all for different purposes. The 'General' hospitals are used for patients with all different diseases and injuries and usually have a emergency department or 'A&E' for patients which need immediate or urgent health care and need to be treated right away.
These hospitals will also have there own ambulance services. Although 'District' hospitals are commonly known for being a major health care unit, with many beds for 'Long-term' patients in intensive care. This certain hospital has special facilities for certain causes for example childbirth and any type of surgery including plastic surgery.
Next the 'Specialised' hospitals which include trauma, re-habitation and psychiatric wards in the hospital for people under special care. They also contain a children's wards, this is an area just for children that are in special need of medical care.
However hospitals are large buildings, split for each certain specialised ward or centre, split on a massive campus. These campus's can also contain universities or medical schools in which people can learn within the hospital and help with treating patients. These 'Teaching' hospitals teach and train Doctors, Nurses and other health professions all over the country.
And finally our local doctors called a 'Clinic' were we will see our doctors for a diagnosis or a check up when we are feeling poorly. Clinics are used for 'Out Patients' who are not admitted over night and just pop in to see there local GP about minor problems. If the problem however is diagnosed as a more serious problem the person will be send to a general hospital for more check ups.
Every hospital has a different purpose and the research is broadening more and more every year, with staff members in hospitals increasing and then decreasing there is not a definite answer to how many nurses and doctors are working in our hospitals. But if you can imagine the size of the hospitals in the UK and the amount of patients, that is a lot of people!
So why not think of it as keeping the staff and patients happy by using Medical Merchandise fit for all hospitals today.