Many marketers decide to go down the route of branded merchandise, but very few consider first how they are going to distribute their branded merchandise items, or even who is going to receive them! Have you decided how you are going to give yours away?
The main purpose behind branded merchandise is to generate brand awareness. Everyone loves a free gift, and giving a free gift will quickly generate interest about your business. Depending on the product you give away, people may even tell their friends about the item they received which will generate even more interest.
When attempting to generate brand awareness, you could distribute your branded items to existing customers as a 'thank you'. Once an order has been placed with you, the majority of businesses will send a thank you email, or letter to acknowledge their order. However, your business could go one better by sending out a promotional gift. When you have received business from someone, you can almost guarantee you will get more business from them.
You can also use branded merchandise to attract new customers. This can be done by bulk mailing. Whilst direct mailing isn't the most popular form of advertising, it is one of the most effective. This is because it puts your message directly into the customers hands. This is even more popular if you send out a promotional item along with the direct mailing.
You can also give out your branded merchandise at opening events and special events. These can be any kind of promotional merchandise, everyone loves giveaways at social gatherings. It is also easier to build a relationship with customers face to face than on paper. You could even offer a special discount along with your promotional item.
Branded merchandise can also be used to give to your employees. Every employer knows that employees who feel valued tend to be more loyal and more productive. If your employees have been working hard, especially over the Christmas period, then show them your appreciation by using branded gifts. These can be printed chocolates, wine or even an executive key ring. Whatever item you choose, you will reinforce loyalty and increase motivation.
In short, branded merchandise can be used for many different reasons and occasions. There are so many ways you can distribute your promotional merchandise, these are just a few of the ideas in which branded merchandise can assist with your business.