Years ago, I remember a conversation with a major UK bank that was had at near 'Board' level. The bank was concerned because they were, what they considered to be a 'tanker' in the English channel. The problem was, that when a tanker wanted to manoverve it takes a lot longer than say a speedboat. And so far as that bank was concerned, there were plenty of speed boats out there!
Ok, if our analogies haven't confused you already, the point we're trying to make here is that sometimes, the little guy in business has the advantage and the big guys know this. Take our branded merchandise for example. By being a smaller company, the chances are that you, the business owner, know plenty of your clients personally? What's more, you know what will work when it comes to corporate giveaways, and what wouldn't. Bigger multi nationals however sometimes rely on a person in a remote location to make a decision affecting their whole network without actually seeing the consequences of their actions.
Branded merchandise can be as simple as a logo imprinted ballpoint pen, or a USB drive, etc. But it can be clever and incorporate a theme. The smaller guys can react to a trend of a news or publicity item quickly. The big guys rarely can. Why? The big guys need 'sign off' from their supply chain. The boss has to ask his or her boss. They have to speak with 'procurement'. They talk to finance. Finance has to weigh up the risks and costs and then pass their decision back down the line again.
So you see, being one's own boss is often a major advantage when competing against the big guys in business. And of course, regardless of your size, stature or nature of business, all clients get the VIP treatment here at TM anyway!