Now that schools are back in full swing, you can start to produce branded giveaways to specifically target them.
There are so many reasons why you should target schools, not only are you investing in the future, you are also building relationships with parents and the school itself. As well as this, you are showing the community your commitment to future generations. This is great for your CSR policies and campaigning.
When giving branded items to schools you should really consider your campaign. What are you trying to achieve from giving away the items? If you are simply doing it for community involvement, there are lots of different products to choose from. However if you are trying to promote a campaign such as healthy eating or writing you will want to choose particular products. You could also promote to adults which would mean completely different products!
A great product to give away to schools which promotes to all is USB sticks. If you were to give all of the children their own branded USB stick, this is promoting to them, teachers and parents when they take it home. USB sticks are really useful as more and more work is being done on computers. Without USB's the only way of taking data home is by email or using a CD. CD's can be very costly and emails aren't 100% reliable which means that USB's are the best way of storing data. By providing a USB to every child you are telling the community you value the importance of education and want to invest in the next generation. People will, in turn value you for your input.
Alternatively, if you are promoting the need to write you could choose to giveaway notepads and pens. As we have already mentioned, we are in an age where computers are being used increasingly more which means the old art of writing is something which has taken a back seat. However much computer technology develops, we will always need to write. Whether it's just a shopping list or for an exam, there are some things which even computers are limited to. Promotional pens and notepads are very popular as they are so cost effective and effective at putting the message across.
Investing in schools and education is an activity which many businesses have realised is worthwhile. You can invest in your local schools by providing them with relevant branded giveaways to help with their first steps into the real world.