Unless you've been hiding under a rock for the last 2 years, there is a phenomenon going on right now called Social Media. Put simply, networks of people who share information, tips, pictures, receipes and so on. The biggest of them all is of course Facebook with some statistics putting their power at accounting for 1 in 6 hits of all Internet clicks right now. Who doesn't have a Facebook account?
As a business, the question is 'how to harness the power of social media'. This is where social media technology and old school Promotional Merchandise cross over. You see, having fans, followers and the such like etc on these networks is great...but how to keep them all engaged? I mean, on Total Merchandise's Twitter account alone we have nearly 7000 fans, then nearly 2000 on Facebook and then there's Tumblr, Flickr, Squidoo, 4square, You Tube etc as well!
By having a ready supply of branded Promotional Merchandise, you can not only engage with your fans and followers so they broadcast to their fans and followers how great you are, but you can also demonstrate that you exisit in the REAL world as well as the virtual.
Products that we've given away ourselves and which we can highly recommend because of their ease of shipping, appeal and cost include promotional keyrings, promotional USBs and promotional pens. All can be dropped in and envelope and sent and of course, with your company name and logo on, it's a regular reminder to the lucky recipient of just how BIG you or your company are.
Try it...promotional merchandise on social media and don't say we didn't give you a great tip!