How Promotional Merchandise Suppliers Help Your Advertising Campaign?

A promotional merchandise supplier is a company/supplier (usually online) that can supply custom merchandise to a company. The company can then use this custom merchandise to promote their own business. A promotional merchandise supplier much like Total Merchandise is able to supply a company with the merchandise they require and are also able to print a company’s name, logo or slogan onto this merchandise. This enables smaller companies to get their name out to a wider audience.

Having a company name, logo or slogan printed onto promotional merchandise lets the promotional items become a form of advertising for that company, as it puts the company at the forefront of the customer's mind. The more advertising a company has, the more aware the public will be of the company’s brand or services it offers. This is called brand awareness, the more brand awareness a company has, the more custom a company is likely to have.

It goes without saying the more custom, the more profit a company could take in. A promotional merchandise supplier usually has a vast range of promotional products; this enables different companies to use a variety of promotional items within their advertising campaigns.

However sometimes a company will require a bespoke form of promotional merchandise, and so Total Merchandise, for example, can customise promotional items to cater to bespoke requests. An example of a customised promotional item would be; the Total Merchandise Stress Ball range. Total Merchandise can customise the stress balls to make them bespoke and just for you or your company in any shape you like. A classic example of a bespoke stress ball is the ‘Stress Toast’, this promotional item is very different and would make fantastic promotional merchandise for B&B’s or food organizations.

However, if the company specialized in a certain type of food, i.e. cake for example, then you could have a promotional stress ball made into the shape of a cake. This will make it obvious to potential clients that this food company sells cakes. The company could then, head out to promotional events or trade shows, hand out their promotional cake stress balls and possibly bring in more custom.

There are many promotional items available, so if your company is not in the food trade, or doesn’t relate to stress in any way (lucky you), then don’t worry. Take a look at our website here at Total Merchandise; we are one of the largest promotional merchandise suppliers in the UK!

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Total Merchandise | Editoral Team

Our editorial team is drawn from a pool of experienced promotional merchandise product team members, account managers, marketers and other contributors. With such a wide range of skills and experience, they write about many aspects of promotional merchandise, wider marketing and business matters, as well as company news updates.

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