Printed Giveaways for 'Walk to School Month'

It's World Walk to School Month, so get your pedometers out and celebrate with your printed giveaways. 

Over forty different countries are encouraging parents to ditch the car and walk to school, saving them money and protecting the environment at the same time. As well as this, they are encouraging physical activity which is great for what many call the 'console generation'. It is also the perfect opportunity for parents to help support their local council by introducing lower speed limits by schools. This will help to create a safe, enjoyable walk to school for children and adults alike. 

Walking is healthy, good for the environment and can be fun. This is the message the organisers of the event are trying to spread. Less than half of the UK actually walk to school and obesity, pollution and congestion levels are rising on a regular basis. 

Walking is a great way to keep fit in general. It may be difficult to believe but walking thirty minutes a day can improve our lives significantly. People are always being encouraged to ditch the car and in many cases, this is entirely possible. If you think about how often you drive the car, it's likely you will use it to drive just five minutes down the road, at least once a week!

Walking is very good for exercise and can benefit you physically in a number of different ways. First of all, it can lower your cholesterol levels. Exercise stimulates the production of enzymes to remove bad cholesterol from blood vessels. As well as this, it increases circulation and breaks it down to move it out of the body. 

It can also lower your blood pressure. Research shows that a brisk walk for 10 minutes a day, four times a day, can lower blood pressure for eleven hours. If you are prone to high blood pressure, then this is definitely worth trying on a daily basis. If you live a twenty-minute walk from your child’s school, then walking for a drop-off and pick up time can help reduce your blood pressure.

Most noticeably, walking can lower your body weight and body fat. Walking at a brisk pace can burn stored fat and build muscle, this helps to speed up metabolism resulting in a loss of weight. Exercise is very important if you are trying to lose weight as a change in diet will not be effective on its own. 

If you want to support Walk To School month, why not invest in some pedometers and hand them out as promotional giveaways

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