Effective promotional products

Many different promotional products have been tried and tested over time to find out which promotional product is the most effective. It seems the most effective promotional product is down to the type of business or company it's advertising. For example someone in the catering industry could find a promotional wooden spoon to be more effective than a promotional pen. This is mainly due to the catering industry's target market (i.e. this target market would much rather pick up and use a promotional wooden spoon than a promotional pen). If you can identify what your target market needs/wants or is interested in then choosing the right promotional product shouldn't be too hard.

That said there are a few promotional products that work effectively for a number of different business sectors, such as the promotional T-Shirt. Promotional T-Shirts are custom garments that work well in terms of increasing brand awareness and nearly every company you can think of will have one, either as uniform or for promotional usages.

The purpose of any promotional product is of course to be promotional. Promotional products should help get your company name out there in front of as many people as possible... creating a sort of guerilla fashion.

What is guerilla marketing?
Guerilla marketing is an advertising strategy, whereby low-cost unconventional means are utilised to convey or promote a product or idea... Popular low-cost means include investing in and handing out promotional products.

So why promotional T-Shirts?
Custom T-Shirts and other promotional garments promote brand messages very well, sometimes even better than other promotional products. This is simply because they are on constant view... have you ever noticed someone walking down the street wearing an eye catching T-Shirt? … If you have, you'll be familiar with the fixation you get on the T-Shirt, whilst you're trying to read what it says before the person walks past. This is the power of the promotional T-Shirt... just think how much your brand awareness would be increased if that fixation was on your company logo or brand message!

What sort of things should you put on a promotional T-Shirt?
When choosing the artwork to be printed on your promotional T-Shirt, ensure it is tasteful and 'in trend', as the clothing one wears is an important factor... basically if the T-Shirt doesn't look good they're not going to wear it!

It's good to also point out if it's too cold to hand out promotional T-Shirts, promotional jumpers can be just as effective promotional products!

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Total Merchandise | Editoral Team

Our editorial team is drawn from a pool of experienced promotional merchandise product team members, account managers, marketers and other contributors. With such a wide range of skills and experience, they write about many aspects of promotional merchandise, wider marketing and business matters, as well as company news updates.

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