As many of you may know corporate gifts are types of gifts that are given to someone from a business or company. These gifts are usually given to show appreciation for the efforts made by the recipient that have benefited the corporation in some way.
Corporate gifts are a lot more personal than promotional gifts, even though both still have the companies branding on show... corporate gifts are usually more thought about and a little more expensive to make them that extra bit special. A good thing to remember is gifts that are thought about are generally more appreciated by the recipient!
There are many occasions whereby people give gifts to show their appreciation and love. For example on Valentine's Day gifts are given to that 'special someone', on Christmas gifts are given to everyone we know and love, on Father's day gifts are given to Dads, Grandads (any male in the family that plays a fathering role), and on Mother's Day gifts are given to Mums, Nans (any female in the family that plays a mothering role)!
Mother's Day is the one day of the year that mum's all over the world get given cards and gifts from their children, and not the other way around (for once). Although Mother's Day is going to be celebrated on the 18th March this year in the UK, it occurs on various days in many different parts of the world (for example it's on the 13th May in the USA this year). However, most commonly it occurs in either March, April or May.
Mothering Sunday is not usually a fixed day like Christmas because it is always the middle Sunday in Lent (which lasts from Ash Wednesday to the day before Easter Sunday). Why is it called Mothering Sunday? It's uncertain as to how the name 'Mothering Sunday' came about but one theory is that the celebration could have been adopted from a Roman Spring festival celebrating Cybele, their Mother Goddess.
When it comes to giving out corporate gifts, it's always handy to know what special occasions are coming up, as then you can set a theme around your gifts. For example, for Mother's Day, you could hand out branded flower vases so the children buying flowers for their mothers can have something to put their flowers in.
These kinds of corporate gifts would also be more appreciated as they are useful to the recipient and not just something they look at once, then throw away.